Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have a look around the school?
To arrange a visit to Kalianna School, please contact our office at 5442 1311 to schedule an appointment with our Assistant Principal, Lara Pearce. Mrs. Pearce will assist you in determining your child's eligibility to attend Kalianna and provide you with a tour of the campus. Additionally, you may wish to explore our website's 'School Tour' section, which offers a comprehensive overview of our facilities and programs. We look forward to meeting with you and showcasing our school.
What does Kalianna offer my child?
Our school provides a secure learning environment where your child can flourish and develop their skills alongside peers who share similar academic levels.
Do you offer after school care and school holiday program?
In 2018, Kalianna School was fortunate to receive state government funding, enabling us to offer an Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) program to our students and families. This program is expertly managed by Lifely, and we invite you to contact Sally Bush at 5442 1311 for additional details on enrolment.
Can my child catch a bus to school?
Certainly. To arrange transportation for your child, kindly complete a bus travel form and schedule a consultation with our bus coordinator, Sarah Whytock to coordinate the pickup and drop-off times and location.
What do I need to buy my child for class?
Rest assured that all essential learning materials will be provided to your child and you're not required to provide these.​​
Can my child attend Kalianna and another school? (Dual enrolment)
Certainly, we would be happy to discuss this further during the enrollment process at Kalianna. Please note that this is a service that we can provide.
What time does the bell go at Kalianna?
The school day begins promptly at 8:50 am, with a lunch break scheduled for 11:30 am, followed by a recess at 1:30 pm. Dismissal occurs at 2:50 pm for students who do not utilise our bus transportation or OSHC services. For students who require bus transportation or OSHC services, these programs commence at 3:00 pm.
Do you offer a Breakfast program?
Starting at 8:30am every day, we offer a complimentary breakfast consisting of toast and fruit to our students upon their arrival at school.
Do you have a school canteen?
The onsite canteen, 'The Caf', operates daily and offers a wide range of food options. In addition, families and students can enjoy hot drinks during the period of 8:30am to 8:45am. For further information, please refer to the dedicated 'The Caf' tab.
Do you offer any financial assistance?
The Department offers financial assistance through the Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) to families who hold healthcare cards. This funding can be used to cover expenses associated with any camps, sports, or excursions that your child may participate in. Additionally, State Schools Relief (SSR) may be able to provide support with uniform costs. If you are interested in exploring your eligibility for this assistance, please speak with our office staff for further guidance.
How and where do I purchase school uniform?
Kalianna has an onsite uniform shop, conveniently accessible through our office. Our selection includes a variety of uniform items such as polos, hoodies, hats and beanies. Eftpos and cash available.